Wednesday, August 29, 2012


This was after the balloon popping game. We wanted to give the girls a chance to express themselves so we had them answer the question, "what do you want to do in the future, why and how can you achieve this?" It was hard to keep such a large group focused but I was really proud of how well the girls did...a lot of them said they wanted to be doctors, lawyers, nurses, teacher and one girl I think Faviola stood out because she said she wanted to be a police officer, ya girl! They are a surprise number of police women in Granada. It was cool to get a chance to hear the girls express their goals and opinions. The point of the activity was to show unity in their team. You can't see it but the girls were passing around a ball of string to "connect" or make a web which makes them a team, and taught them that even though their goals or desires in the future aren't necessarily the same, they can help each other along the way :)