Friday, August 10, 2012

Las Metas

Last night for activity we had the girls sign their Futbol Sin Fronteras contract that girls understand and commit to carater, competencia, confianza, compasion and conexion which are the five C's of FSF's values. They also had to write a personal goal and a team goal. Many of them wrote "echar un gol" to score a goal and "trabajar en un equipo" to work in a team. I heard that some wrote that they wanted to learn to read and write. It's awesome to see the girls learning and just thinking about what they wanted to write. In reality most of them just copied each other but some took the time to think through what they wanted to achieve. I think that in part, the way that schools run here affects how they girls interact in a learning setting. Often times teachers don't show up or they are taught in a negative reinforcing environment. I would love to see the girls learn to think more for themselves and about their ideas, they are all bright and excited to be a part of FSF and it's a blessing to have them in my life, I am learning so much from them!